
Zellis Intelligence Platform developer portal

Getting started

This page aims to guide you through the basics of the Zellis Intelligence Platform (ZIP), and act as a reference guide to any queries you may have related to what it is, how it works and how you can access it.

OData 4.0

OData (Open Data Protocol) is a set of best practices laid out to support the consumption of RESTful APIs.  It provides enriched capability to query across multiple endpoints within one call as well as control the results using filtering.  Out GET APIs are Odata 4.0 compliant enabling you to take full advantage of the features available.  More information as well as how to guides can be found at https://www.odata.org/

There are useful guides on the type of operations you can carry out using OData available at the site within the “Developers” pages.


Another key feature of OData, is the ability to include relationships between entities.  The inclusion of relationships enables you to query across multiple, related end points in one call.

The API documentation available through this portal will provide details of the relationships.  By using the “$expand” option you simply reference the additional entity in your call.  For example;


Returns all Worker records and also expands the Title entity which has a relationship to the Worker, therefore returning the lookup data from the Title record alongside the Worker record. 

Primary Key IDs

The entities within the Zellis Intelligence Platform have primary key ids that combine the name of the table with the suffix of “Id”.  For example, the Worker entity has a primary key of “WorkerId”.

It is important to note that we do not persist these Ids.  Therefore, we do not recommend you reference the Ids literally as these could change under certain circumstances.

Worker Posts

The Worker Post data is derived from a number of locations when the data is transformed into the Zellis Data Model (Database within the Zellis Intelligence Platform). This means that whilst we have fields within Worker Post to hold the Start and End Dates for various child attributes (Work Pattern, Grade, Service Conditions etc), these fields may not always be populated. These Start and End Dates are derived from data fields in ResourceLink where actual overridden items have been added to the Post Holding record. For example, a Worker is on Post A and has been assigned a new Work Pattern of X with a Start Date. This would result in WorkerPost containing that date. However, if there has been no override in the underlying application and the default value created against the source post has been used instead, there will be no values in the date fields in WorkerPost.


From R30/HCM 7.0 onwards, GET APIs will expect the full URL for pagination.

So where a previous call would be:

 @odata.nextlink": "Workers?skiptoken

 It is now:


Security enhancements

This affects all APIs – and is a generic change.

We have enhanced and improved the security of the API to block unwanted data in the request body.

For example, within the Worker API, “WorkerId” is not permitted within the request body.  If you attempt to pass this, an error will be generated as shown.

Workers Create and Update Dates

Specifically in relation to the Workers and WorkerPosts, we have included two extra dates.  We have included these to provide additional information in relation to when a given record has been created or last updated.  These dates are called:



However, please bear in mind that if your Zellis Intelligence Platform database is fully rebuilt then these dates will be affected by that build.

Registered office

740 Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4UF

0800 0420315



Providing you with all the tools you need to integrate third party applications with Zellis HCM Cloud.